President’s Report May 2023
President’s Report
To all AFHM Members and Supporters:
As the summer months approach, we continue to develop and promote our military history mission through project and program initiatives that have included:
- The kickoff of the mobile unit event schedule with a ceremony that honored a highly decorated Vietnam War veteran in Newtown, PA, and the upcoming Bordentown Street Fair on May 20th. Additional Memorial Day weekend ceremonies and events are booked as well including a parade and activities in Riverside, NJ that will also feature our mobile unit on display at the restored train depot that is now the town’s history museum.
- The Captain James Lawrence House continues its Saturday operation hours along with weekday tours by appointment. It’s hard to believe that we’ll be celebrating our first-year anniversary in June with an open house reception planned for June 10th. More details to follow.
- The Black American military desegregation history documentary, “Right to Fight”, is taking shape and the project team is working in earnest to bring this to the public in line with grant and sponsorship funding currently being pursued.
- The golf tournament fundraiser at the Cream Ridge Country Club on June 28th is in play with several teams already committed as well as a few sponsorships. Much still needs to be done, however, and we need ALL of you to contribute as you’re able. A package of materials has already been emailed and is also available on the AFHM website. Please check it to see how you can support this fundraiser toward ensuring a revenue stream for our various programs and operational needs.
- Exploratory talks are underway with a Napa Valley, CA winery and a Bucks County, PA distillery regarding a private label wine and bourbon product line that would pay tribute to New Jersey’s involvement in the Revolutionary War, and where a percentage of sales would benefit AFHM. Draft private label sketches and conceptual themes are in progress with product tasting to follow!
These are impressive accomplishments that speak highly of the great work several of you have committed to supporting with your time and talents. It is most appreciated indeed. We can only hope that others of you who have not yet volunteered your time will get inspired and motivated as well to support the above initiatives or offer yourself in other areas where you may have an interest or opportunity to contribute to our mission. Let us hear from you!
Respectfully submitted,
Roy Plummer, President AFHM