President’s Report December 2022
December 16, 2022
President Report
As we approach the end of this month my journey as the President of this organization is reaching a conclusion. It has been an honor and distinct pleasure leading this organization through some interesting and demanding times. We continued to focus our efforts to follow the mission statement with a great deal of success. We were able to maintain financial stability, recruited new members and at last established an operating location at 459 High Street, Burlington, New Jersey. On June 12, 2022, we conducted the official opening of the Captain James Lawrence House. I am extremely proud of the work performed under the direction of Roy Plummer and supported by several of our key members. Now the new Leadership must focus on leveraging the Lawrence House and establish new initiatives to move us forward.
Looking back over the past four years I am blessed and thankful to have met new people, watched members excel in performing their work requirements as I watched in amazement the success we enjoyed. In comparison to other like organizations our membership is less then 100 and of course there is only a small percentage of the membership that makes up the core group who works hard and provides outstanding results. In our present state we must look to the future by recruiting new, younger members to enable us to succeed.
Our final meeting will be brief and then we will celebrate the spirit of the Holidays with a complimentary luncheon to reward our members for the work and support they have provided throughout the past year. We will present a Budget for 2023 and elect new officers for the next two years and I will express my sincere appreciation for the support everyone has provided me
This past year has been a trying experience for me, and I wish to thank everyone for their kind comments, wishes and encouragement for a successful recovery. It provided me with the courage and dedication to complete the program that turned out to be more difficult than I expected. It has taken a toll on my ability to function as effective as I use to, but I will be there to support the new Leadership to the best of my ability.
In closing Barbara and I wish everyone Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas; Happy New Year and we will continue to keep everyone in our prayers for good health and prosperity in the future.
Respectfully Submitted,
Robert S. Dutko, Sr. President AFHM