What's New

2021 County History Partnership Program Grant

Dear Mr. Plummer:

I am happy to inform you that the Burlington County Board of County Commissioners awarded a grant in the amount of $10,000 to the Armed Forces Heritage Museum at its meeting held on January 27th. The grant is to be used for implementation of transportable exhibits on New Jersey’s involvement in the Revolutionary War. This funding is made possible through a grant awarded to the County by the New Jersey Historical Commission.

Soon you will be receiving correspondence from the Department of Resource Conservation, Division of Parks that will include two copies of a grant agreement for your execution. Kindly sign both copies and return to Angela Sforza at the address below. A fully executed copy of the grant agreement will be returned to you for your records after signature by the County. Please don’t hesitate to call Angela Sforza at (609) 265-5858, or e-mail her at asforza@co.burlington.nj.us with any questions you may have.

We look forward to hearing about your successes at the end of the grant program year! Congratulations!


Linda A. Hynes

To read full letter, click here.