President's Reports

Presidents Report September 2024

To: All AFHM Members and Supporters 

Football season is underway and maybe your alma mater/favorite team provides the positive excitement you seek with, hopefully, the wins you seek for them. As for the AFHM “game schedule” here are some highlights for September:

– 50/50 sales and target goal projections are progressing nicely such that the current winning ticket would be worth at least $2500! Let’s keep the momentum going toward the December 13th drawing date

– Annual dinner package distribution has been finalized and distribution is being made at this time. ALL members need to promote it to optimize the funds needed to support our mission programs for the next year. Let’s make it happen! The ticket sales goal is set at 100 as a minimum


– The mobile unit schedule is progressing as planned and our next Springfield Community Day event on September 28th promises to attract a large local crowd and 50/50 sales opportunity 

– A Burlington County Re-Grant application has been submitted requesting $10,000 in budgeted funds for design and layout changes to the mobile unit as we transition its theme to exhibits that promote the State’s “America 250” celebration in 2026

– The “Right to Fight” documentary series is in progress toward readying a series of “blacks in the military” history segments scheduled for premiering in February 2025

– Gen. Dutko “Mission Generation Complex” building naming dedication ceremony was held on September 14th to a robust crowd of General and senior military leaders as well as  State, County, and local representatives,  family and friends. A most reserving tribute to our own Bob Dutko and the military and community service legacy he has built over a lifetime career that spans 60+ years. Well done General D! Kudos also to AFHM VP Bryan Branson who, in his role as a JBMDL Honorary Commander, worked with 108th Wing to put together the dedication event

– Hosted a MOAA meeting at the BCHS Complex that featured a George Washington portrayal talk by Sam Davis and Lawrence House tours. Lunch was catered by Doc’s Pub and all in attendance were most impressed and pleased with our organization’s programs and dedication to preserving our nation’s military history 

– Upcoming table events & promotions currently include a Volunteer Fair, Burlington city Car Show, Veterans Expo, and RCBC Military History class course

Respectfully submitted, 

Roy Plummer, President AFHM