On This Date February 4,1941- the USO is incorporated
February 4, 1941 -the birthday of the USO. The USO was incorporated in New York, with the
first facility erected in DeRidder, Louisiana,1941. More USO centers and clubs opened around
the world as a “Home Away from Home” for GIs. The USO club was a place to go for dances
and social events, for movies and music, for a quiet place to talk or write a letter home, or for a
free cup of coffee and an egg. The organization became particularly known for its live
performances, called camp shows, through which the entertainment industry helped boost the
morale of servicemen and women. From the start, Hollywood was eager to show its patriotism,
and many celebrities joined the ranks of USO entertainers. They went as volunteers to
entertain, and celebrities continue to provide volunteer entertainment, in military bases in the
U.S. and overseas, sometimes placing their own lives in danger, by traveling or performing
under hazardous conditions